We are sorry that there is so little Entry Information on the IABCA web site.
PLEASE PRINT the following information or “SAVE” it to assist you when entering Specialties held at IABCA shows.
TASAA Regional Specialties at IABCA Shows - WHEN and WHERE:
October 11-12 – Loveland, CO
October 18-19 – Ridgefield, WA
November 15-16 – Purina Farms, MO
**Exhibitors should SIGN UP FOR the Conformation Classes AS USUAL through the IABCA site!**
Go to: www.iabca.com If you enter Show 2 on Saturday, you are entering the TASAA Specialty. Nothing different needs to be done to enter the conformation portion of the TASAA Specialty. All Class winners will be moved on to TASAA Specialty BOB classes.
We will be presenting special rosettes and awards for BOB, BOS, and BOW in the Adult and Puppy Divisions. There will also be a SILVER PLATTER AWARD for BOB from IABCA!!!
TASAA welcomes ALL Toy Australian Shepherds from ALL clubs to join us in the Conformation Classes. Part of TASAA's Goal and Mission is to “Improve the type and structure of the breed... to work toward the recognition and betterment of the Toy Australian Shepherd, always keeping in mind that the type(impression) should be that of the Australian (American)Shepherd,... and to protect and covet the dog that comes closest to the breed standard.”
ALL Toy Australian/American Shepherds are welcome to participate. We do not exclude any registered dog that meets the size variation of our breed nor do we exclude any other clubs attempting to promote correct breed standards.
There will be “NON-REGULAR CLASSES” (Fun classes) offered for TASAA Members at these TASAA Regional Specialty Shows on Saturday as part of the Show 2 . All dogs entered must meet Toy Aussies height limits.
NON-REGULAR CLASSES are $15.00 per class and include:
Head Type: Adult Males/ Adult Females/ Puppy Male/ Puppy Female
Movement: All Adults/ All Puppies
Breeders Showcase: 3 or more dogs owned by one Breeder
Stud Dog: 3 of more dogs to constitute an entry
Brood Bitch: 3 or more dogs to constitute an entry.
JR Handlers: Under 10 Yrs - JR Handlers 10 yrs and older (dog height not applicable)
Register on IABCA's Show Entry Form by WRITING IN the Non-Regular Classes the dog is entering in the area JUST ABOVE THE DOG'S REGISTED NAME IN THE PROMO/NOTES AREA on the Form (http://www.iabca.com/showentry.html)
[Example: TASAA Movement-Puppy; Head Type – Adult Male; Breeder's Showcase= 3 classes @$15 = Total $45]
**PAYMENT for NON-REGULAR CLASSES IS TO BE MADE AT SIGN-IN, PRIOR TO START OF SHOW SATURDAY AM!! IABCA does not have an easy way to add payment for these classes to their web form for pre-payment. You will not be charged at the time of on-line registration!
IABCA requires registration for Non-Regular Classes prior to the show the same as with regular Conformation Classes.
You DO need to be a Member in good standing with TASAA to participate in the Non-regular Specialty classes. TASAA is extending a Special Membership Rate Offer of $15.00 for the remainder of this year and 2015 combined! Can't beat that!
(http://www.tasaa.info/TASAA_contact_join.html) There should be TASAA Membership Forms/New Member Packets available at the show for same day membership sign-up at the IABCA Registration Table! Membership Form and Check need to be turned in prior to show.
IABCA offers HANDLING SEMIMARS for Jr Handlers(free) and Adults($10) at all three locations! Be sure to sign up through IABCA
Also, remember to enroll in the TASAA Championship Program and use the win points from any approved show venue towards your TASAA Championship! Approved show venues currently include IABCA, ARBA, ICKC, ICE, AKC, ASDR and a few others. See website for details (http://www.tasaa.info/TASAAHOME.html)
WELCOME to a TASAA Specialty Near You!
Where would YOU like to see a Regional Specialty in 2015?